Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Meanwhile, back at theLegion of Doom, Dick Cheney ponders his next move

Give the man a ride I wish I'd had this idea first but prescient humor is a fickle mistress. It does not diminish the enjoyment I will have tonight watching the debate and envisioning Uncle Dick teetering around on his two wheels of doom. I hope he finds himself caught in a Stockdale reverie, envisioning himself chasing a high stepping Mr. Edwards around the stage intead of explaining his sweetheart deal with Haliburton.
"How do you explain the closed door creation of your industry written energy policy"
"I'll answer you by asking how do you like the taste of my positron gloom beam?! Bwahahahah!"
"What are you talking about Mr. Vice-president?"
"Sorry, I kinda spaced out there for a moment. What was the question?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He should have henchmen with their names written on their chests, like on the old Batman show--- 'Rummy,' and 'Wolfy.'

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take it back. He doesn't deserve henchmen, or a segway.
Best debate moment, I thought, was actually just before, oh Hahdball, when Ron Reagan Jr. made reference to Cheney being a man in his 70s. Chris Matthews noted that Cheney is in fact 62, and Reagan did a live on-camera classic double/spit take as he sipped his water. Good TV!

9:30 AM  
Blogger MrFares said...

Hah! Sorry I missed that. I'm sure he has a picture of himself up in his attic that is getting younger and nicer.

11:47 AM  

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