Friday, June 20, 2008

Right. Put down that tea and take the quiz.

Quiz me!
Bill got 7. I visted Bill's home recently in the charming exurbs of Boston. There I admired his larger than expected collection of antique taxidermy, regular sized spread of boy children, and small but meaningful herd of sheep. I also witnessed his quiz prepatory in which he dons the "Helm of News" and closes himself in the rustic Anglotron; a sanctum of sorts which he constructed himself from an old sculling shell and has lined with some valuable 2000 A.D. comics and other items British. Inside he reads by flashlight, or "torch" through various imported newspapers and studies his week's longhand transcriptions from the BBC World Service. This ritual takes place nightly, regardless of the weather, as the Anglotron is located in the guest room. His wife tells me that it's was originally built for the master bedroom but the rustling was keeping her awake.

I got 1.


Blogger Mr. Wentz said...

3 right, zero good guesses.

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve got 4. This proves that skill in the BBC news quiz comes from being in touch with your inner Brit. Actualy being in Britain all week and watching the BBC did me no good at all.

9:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


10:21 AM  

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